(0)7711 141288 | rod.cook4


There are times when termination of employment becomes necessary. The way in which this is handled is important not only for the person/people leaving but also for the survivors.

Management will be judged by those that remain on the way they treat people who are forced to leave the organisation. Delicate handling whilst protecting the Company’s interests is a difficult balance.

Expertise offered in:

  • Both group or individual situations
  • Analysing potential termination situations
  • Counselling management on possible alternatives and consequences
  • Conducting or advising on disciplinary hearings
  • Creating legal agreements to protect from unfair dismissal claims
  • Negotiating severance packages
  • Maximising any tax benefits
  • Acting as intermediary between the parties
  • Counselling leaver
  • Following up with the leaver to check on their progress

Experienced counselling of individuals during small or large scale redundancies is also available.
